
An island of opportunity for all people, not distinguishing them on the basis of class, race and creed.

MWAP policy

Defend, Promote & Advance the Political, Civil, Social, Economic and Cultural rights of all in Kenya.

MWANGAZA PARTY (MWAP) formerly National Patriotic Party  was founded in 1992 registration No. 18267 and subsequently registered under the political parties act of 2007 party No.20.

Come join us

It is imperative to prioritize safeguarding individual and group rights, which forms the bedrock of a flourishing society.


Promotion of National Unity and commitment of the citizens to the spirit of National hood & patriotism

17 Sept, 2023

All Kenyan Citizens who have attained the age of 18 years and have applied for     Membership Shall be admitted into Membership of the Party provided they comply with the Party’s Constitution, Party Rules, Discipline, Policies, and Objectives and provided further that they are not Members of another Political Party.

29 Sept, 2023

Establish a Democratic Constitutional Government for a just and fair Governance of the Country within the framework of a Pluralistic Society.

Strengthen the capacity of women engagement in politics to be effective in deepening and consolidating democratic governance in Kenya.

1 Oct, 2023

Ensuring full participation of special interest groups; the youths, women and persons with disability, minorities, marginalized groups/communities and all other citizens from all sphere of the country.